Get Ready for Zynga

January 16, 2013

With Zynga set to enter the online gambling marketplace, by launching its own online casino site, we thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of the ways that Zynga could change the face of online gambling in the not too distant future.

For those of you who do not know who Zynga is, they are one of the most successful game development companies on social networking sites such as Facebook and Google+. Originally the developers of Farmville, Zynga now has a wide portfolio of social games across both of these social networking sites, including free play online slot games.

Zynga has been telling the world for quite some time that it intends to get in to the pay to play online gambling market, and launch its own online casino. Recently Zynga renegotiated its deal with Facebook to remove any commercial ties between the two companies, to help it position itself for this move.

In the last year, Zynga has taken no less than 89 new patents on its technology, and many of these patents could be directly applied to an online casino site. Several of these patents relate to online slot games, and specifically the underlying server architecture that powers them. Zynga video slot games are fully socially enabled and social gambling is going to be a hot ticket item in the coming months. If 2012 was the year of mobile gambling, then 2013 is going to be the year of social gambling for sure, and Zynga has a whole bunch of mature technologies available already to deploy social gambling games, including video slots.

We think that in 2013, Zynga will finally launch its long awaited online casino, and this could be one of the most incredible things to happen to online gambling in a long time. Zynga has always focused upon gameplay over profit, and if the company continue to develop its products along these lines, and uses its already impressive technology to develop online slot games and other online casino games, then it could well raise the bar on what we expect from an online casino. We will be among the first to try out the new Zynga online casino when it is finally launched, and bring a full review to readers afterward.

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