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Golden Age of Online Gambling
November 10, 2012
Anyone who has visited this site regularly over the last few months will know that one of our hot topics currently, is the issuing of the first USA online gambling licenses by the Nevada Gaming Control Board. In effect, the USA is opening up a domestic online gambling market. Many companies have taken advantage of this situation to position themselves strategically to extract incredible value from this new market.
We also need to consider the fact that major players in the online gambling arena such as International Game Technology (IGT) have made major investments into socially enabled online gambling. The flipside of this is that certain game development companies which specialise in social gaming, such as Zynga, the developers of the famous Farmville Facebook game, and it’s dozens of spin-offs have begun to moving to pay to play online casinos.
So we have a situation where established online casino software developers are investing in new technology, most notably socially enabled gaming. And where companies that have been specialising in social gaming up until now, are beginning to turn their eye towards the lucrative online casino market place.
Combine these new advances in technology, with the fresh attitude be taken by organisations such as the Nevada Gaming Control Board in the USA, which seems to be indicating online gambling is becoming reputable respectable online business model, and we could well be entering into a golden age for online gambling, online casino players, and online gaming in general.
This is an incredible 360° turn around in some cases, just look at the situation in the USA earlier in the year, when major online poker sites such as poker stars and full tilt poker were literally forced out of the USA market by the government, and several legally controlling bodies in the USA. This left thousands of players wondering what was going to happen with their bankroll, and lesson with most online poker sites legal to play with the USA.
Fast forward just a few months, and this position is reversing, although at a price. It seems only certified licensed developers and operators will be able to provide online gambling services to US market. But overall this is a very good thing, and we really do believe that within the next year or two, online gambling will become something respectable, and lose much of the reputation it has for exploiting players currently.
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