It’s all Smoke and Mirrors

October 3, 2012

Starting way back in January, we began reporting on the incredible news that the Nevada Gaming Control Board had first begun considering grating the first ever online gambling licenses in the USA, and then begun selecting companies to receive these rare licenses.

We reported on several online casino platform providers and service providers which were selected to receive a license, let’s not mention any names, but each of them was a US based company. This set the theme, this is where we should have realized what was going to happen and read the writing on the wall.

Once these service and platform providers were licensed and legal, they began to maneuver for position, entertaining licensing deals and trading partnership propositions from many online casino operators. We didn’t see the signs; we were too amazed at the fact that online gambling legislation in the USA was going to finally make online casino sites legal. We didn’t see that only agreements between US based licensed platform providers, and US based online casino operators bore fruit. Looking back, we can see a monopoly in development.

What happened next? Well, in true American style, these service providers and online casino operators couldn’t dot their I’s and cross their T’s without taking months to do so. The Nevada Gaming Control Board became quiet at about this stage, no more announcements, no more proud statements showing how proactive and innovative they were being, nothing. They are basically waiting for the companies they have pre-approved to take the benefits of this new online gambling legislation to catch up.

We still have yet to see a single trading entity which is based outside of the USA even be considered for one of these licenses by the Nevada Gaming Control Board, let alone receive one! And just look at the statement released last week, which said that it is unlikely that full legislation will be passed until after 2013, to legalize online gambling. By this time, the cleverly crafted monopoly of associated American owned online gambling companies will have had over a year to steal the entire market. Incredible, and we missed it, we never saw it coming. We should have watched closer, we have allowed the powers that be to take control of online gambling in the USA in a clandestine, behind doors fashion.

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