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The State of US Online Gambling
December 6, 2012
On Monday, the American Gaming Association published a press release that outlines the details of their plans to lobby U.S. Congress to pass a revised online poker bill as quickly as possible.
This press release made it quite clear that the American Gaming Association is in support of the current changes that have been made by the Nevada Gaming Control Board with regards to online gambling, and online casino sites. However, the American Gaming Association was keen to point out that it would require any changes to gambling legislation to include online poker. Anyone who remembers the fiasco last year, with major online poker sites being forced out of the US market, and leaving hundreds of thousands of players with no clear indication of what would happen to their casino bankroll, and we can understand why the American Gaming Association is so concerned that any revisions to current US gambling legislation that do not specifically mention online poker, could lead to a similar situation to the future.
Currently, is still basically illegal to be involved in online gambling in the USA, either as a provider, or as individual online gambler. Although it must be noted that the Nevada Gaming Control Board has begun to grant the first USA online gambling licenses, and although these were originally granted to providers and enablers of online casino sites, licenses have actually begun to be granted to online gambling companies themselves. This means a very soon, we will begin to see the very first legal online casinos in the USA.
The American Gaming Association has obviously taken note of this, and wants to ensure that online poker players are not ignored in this newly opened market. Due to the bad situation last year, online poker in USA has become much less popular in recent months. We are sure that the American Gaming Association is hoping to build the popularity of what is in effect, the only player versus player online gambling available. Sure, we have several types of live dealer games such as roulette and blackjack available at most online casino sites these days, butonline poker is the only online gambling game where players compete head-to-head, with no dealer sitting at the table leveraging the value of the house edge.
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