What’s next for Online Gambling in the USA?

March 27, 2013

There can be no doubt that keeping track of the online gambling market in the USA has been something of a roller coaster ride for the last year. It was only around 12 months ago that many major online poker sites were forced to stop offering their services to American citizens. This does not sound like such a large issue, but consider for a moment that this single move actually forced many people to relocate outside of the USA, so they could continue to play online poker, and you begin to realize just what a massive effect this clamp down on online poker had.

However, over recent months in key States such as Nevada, Delaware and New Jersey, we have seen an almost complete turnaround in attitude towards not just online poker, but online gambling in general. These States have realized that they are missing out on a massive chunk of online gambling tax revenue, and have begun to move towards making online casino sites legal within their borders.

Nevada was the first to consider legalizing online gambling, and the Nevada Gaming Control Board began accepting applications for online gambling licenses from online casino operators several months back, with the first of these online gambling licenses just being granted.

Delaware and New Jersey are also in the process of following the example set by Nevada, and are entertaining similar applications from online casino operators and third party companies who service the online gambling industry for licenses.

What we think will happen next is this. Nevada will not issue any other licenses, until it has seen how well the first one, issued to 888 online casino, works out. We think Nevada will now put on the brakes, and see how things pan out.

However, we think that both Delaware and New Jersey do not wish to lag behind Nevada, and we expect them to rush the online gambling license application process, and grant the first online casino operators a license very shortly, possibly within the next few weeks.

What we then see happening is the competition closing up between Nevada, Delaware and New Jersey, it will then be a race to see who can capture the largest chunk of the online gambling market. So we expect to see a flurry of activity sometime within the next two months.

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